Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I don't ever wanna leave this town.

Mr. William Lee, Commercial Farmer 

This was one that I didn't get much out of. 

Something that did strike me was something he said in the very beginning. Something along the line of prices of stuff are directly related to supply and demand. (somthing about corn...I think.) And I remembered a conversation my (ex-) boss had with a customer and I. Rusty (the boss) owns a BBQ joint (I've mentioned it before.) and he sometimes has to raise the price of our menu items. And as a cashier it directly affects me. The regulars know the exact price of their item and they damn well better not have to pay any more. So when the prices increase (even by just .20 cents. Seriously. True story.) I have to deal with angry people. But I never actively thought "Why do we have to increase the prices?" It was always just a thing. I mean I'm a teenager. I have other things on my mind. But one day Rusty was talking to a customer and they got on the topic of McDonald's McRib sandwiches (don't eat them. Seriously.) Pretty much McDonald's buys all the scraps of pork that no one wants to use in QUALITY food (like Rusty's BBQ) and they mash it all up and compress it into a rib shaped glob of yuck. Well Mickey D's buying all this gross pork substance drives up pork prices. Which means Rusty pays just a fraction more for pork. But when you own a BBQ joint where pork is the main ingredient in a lot of dishes then that fraction turns into a monumentous amount of money. So the prices of a regular BBQ sandwich have to go up by just the SLIGHTEST eensy little itty bitty amount. But it makes all the difference in the world to the people who buy our food. 

Do you see where I went with all this? I hope so. 

Not Relevant:

I am in love with this song. Like completely and utterly smitten. I just adore it.

Pic is related.

To the song.

Not the blog.

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