Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I kinda feel like it don't make sense.

(Yes I know that my post title is not grammatically correct. It is from a song. Bear with me and move on.)

Ms. Libby Watts Jordan, UNA Board of Trustees & Director of Cultural Tourism, Florence-Lauderdale Tourism Bureau

Gosh, Isn't that a title.
And our only woman speaker!! Lord.

Well this was from about a month ago. I know, I completely suck at keeping this blog up-to-date. I just have to be in the mood to blog. And lately I haven't been. More on that late. For now let me tell you my thoughts about Ms. Jordan.

The jist of her presentation was that you should be true to yourself and do what you believe is right. There are gray areas in the ethical/unethical ad legal/illegal spectrum. Not so much bout the legal/illegal. But many legal decisions are unethical. I recently read a book (it wasn't that good so I wont tell you the title) and in this book a young girl made some bad decisions and they led to her wrecking a car which cause the death of her best friend. But the instances leading up to the wreck were wholly NOT her fault but she went to jail and atoned for the wrong doing anyways. In my opinion this is an example of when a legal decision was unethical. Many other thing could have been done in order for her to pay her due that she did not deserve.

That was a lengthy explanation and I am sorry. But what I loved about this book is that the young girl in the novel she stood up for what she believed in (that she single-handedly caused her friend's death) even if it meant spending years in a prison cell. Now I am NOT telling you to go do something stupid and just plead guilty to it. I am saying that even through all the counsel not to plead guilty she still did what she thought was right and I believe we do not see enough of that in day to day society. Most people will do anything to save their own butt even if it is completely and utterly wrong. I do not agree with this standard of living. I believe that when someone is making a decision they need to think about the people they will be affecting by this decision and really REALLY think about what is ethical. Most people I see now-a-days do not have a good base of ethics and I blame that on their parents. I grew up being taught what was right and wrong and I still hold to that today.

Enough of my rant.
I hate math. I just sat here for 2 1/2 hours trudging through a GIANT pile of math problems because I waited till the last minute. Don't procrastinate. Or one day you will sit in your bed for hours doing math and writing the 4 blogs you are behind on. I deserve to fail this class. Meh.

Bye lovely!

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