Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I've been looking for a lifeline

-Lifeline by Papa Roach-

So soon.
Why Courtney, you actually do want to do this.
No. No I don't.

In Forum a few short hours (well not so short now since I got distracted!) ago we talked about values. As we left I wanted to write about my values in my journal. But, guess what? I have to blog about my experiences so here goes.

We scrolled through a list of 28 values and we were supposed to pick about 10 or 12 or 14. I picked 17. Go figure.  Before we broke off into groups I was able to condense it down to 13. Good Number.

Then we had to pick our top.

We went in a circle.


Creativity was mine.

Bet ya'll are like "Why? It's so stupid. Of all the other you pick Creativity." And that is what the girls (and Zach) probably felt like. It was at the last of everyone's list.

But this is my reckoning:
Creativity is what make us ourselves
Without creativity what are we really?
The challenges we face are not the same as anyone else's, but without our creative selves our challenges aren't any different than the person's next to us. How do we differentiate between my challenge and yours? We allow our selves to be open to change. Maybe Creativity isn't the right word to describe it, but its pretty darn close.
Love is a singular thing, but our creativity shows who we love and how we love and what we love. Without creativity  love wouldn't even be a thing. We would all just be drone's moving to the sound of a singular beat. With creativity our love can be turned into something wholly new and amazing. We can move to the sound of our drums. The rhythmic beat, beat, beat that we set in motion.
Integrity. This was a tough one to talk about. To be consistently open, honest,  ethical, and genuine. Good one Zach. Good one. The definition (listed a line or so up) speaks wonders. Integrity means being honest. I am not whole without my creativity, it is what keeps me going at day and helps me sleep at night. Without my creativity I am nothing more than a shell. How can I be honest to anyone if I am not first honest to myself.
Faith is another tough one. But without the creative mind to know what to have faith in who are we really? Just little people in a realm of confusion believing or having faith in things that other believe in. Who says what we can really have faith in? We do. I don't believe we could ever function as an individual without having a creative mind.
Courage is not one I wish to trifle with. I like courage. I was going to chose it but creativity spoke to me in ways that courage could not. Maybe it is just the way I think.
Passion is tough as well. (We all chose excellent ones BTW) My passion is in my creativity. They are wound together as one, inseparable. Without the creativity and individuality to know what you want to be passionate about passion is nothing.

Creativity allows us to be much much more than nothing.

Creativity is much more than a few brush strokes and written words. It is the life line that runs through our world. My world.

Again, maybe this is just my thinking. But this is also my blog. 

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